Our Delicious Signature Oatmeal, Apricot & Pecan Cookies are available
in three ready-for-giving gift boxes and can be ordered by phone.
To Order, please call us today at 831-643-1060.
You can also stop by the restaurant to see us in person to place your order.
It's all About Giving (Cookies) to Someone Special
Give 1 (one) Cookie and let Someone know they're Special, (Individually gift bagged), $3.50 ea.
Give 6 (six) Cookies for all they have Accomplished this Year, (gift boxed), $25.00
Give 1 (one) Dozen Cookies, and they will be able to Share the Joy, (Individually gift bagged),$48.00
To learn more about the Inspiration behind the Red House Cafe Signature Cookies,
go here - pdf cookie article To visit our Cookie website,
go to www.redhousecookies.com.
Thank you